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Custom Machinery and Systems

We can help make your vision a reality, supporting from design through installation:

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    Here are examples from small past projects, which are not protected by an NDA:

    1/2 HP Mobile Root Washer Here is a custom root washer designed and manufactured for a small organic produce farm in the Willamette Valley. Click the link to the left for a 23-second demo video.
    2 HP Electric Tractor with Pedal Assist Not all applications require the energy density of liquid fuels. With a 2 horsepower (HP) motor, off-shelf attachments are mounted onto an adjustable toolbar for a wide range of light-duty work.
    3 HP Electric Tractor with Pedal Assist This larger tractor features a 3 HP assist motor and is about 50% heavier for the kind of work you’d do with a team of three horses—plus the ¼ HP from your own legs as needed.
    Chicken Tractor Adjustable Wheels These mechanisms allow a farmer to raise, lower, and lock wheels on a mobile chicken tractor (or turkey tractor, or hog house) in multiple positions.
    Chicken Tractor Dolly This assembly of simple machines (two wedges, two wheels, and two levers) enables a mechanical advantage of over 3:1, with geometry optimized for moving heavy ‘chicken tractors’ or hog houses.
    Rainwater Collection With 55-gallon drums at each corner of your home, you can have a 220-gallon water buffer for your garden—for rinsing, watering, and irrigation.
    Solar Distiller This system inputs energy directly from the sun to distill brackish water, without photovoltaic (PV) cells.
    Friction Drive Bicycle Generator A bicycle is “plugged” into this pedal-driven generator to manufacture electricity. This assembly can be made out of nearly 100% scrap materials from your own local sources.
    Direct Drive Bicycle Generator A direct drive is more complex but more efficient than a friction drive. In addition to a generator, the output can be attached to purely mechanical attachments, such as a water pumps.
    Specialty Weldments McGuire Mechanism is highly metal-oriented. If something requires steel that gets cut, bent, or welded, we are your go-to. For example, here is a box for holding an earthen oven.